Thursday, September 06, 2007

Bye Bye again

Some time back I had written a post regarding Farewell Emails. That post seems to have become very popular. Not that I received a whole lot of responses, but then it seems to a page which has the highest number of hits. This is the case even today quite some time after I have written the post.

The main reason seems to be the search engines seem to lead people to this page when they search for "Farewell emails". Then the fact is that so many people are searching for "Farewell emails" which most probably means that they are all writing farewell emails and searching for some inspirations, formats etc.

Looks like quite a few people are leaving from wherever they are working and they more and more want to nice farewell emails so they go around searching for ideas. Also the hits do come from all over the world. By method of induction, it can be inferred that market's are opening up all over the world providing on opportunity to people to jump jobs ;-)

Happy job hopping :-)

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Running for elections

I am going to run for the next parliament elections. It is official.

I am going to start my own political party. I have not zeroed in on the name yet. But a probable name is "Janata Jagaran Party (JJP)". Since I am the founder of the party, I shall be the President of the party for the first year, which will later follow a democratic process of elections. Posts of Secretary, treasurer and followers are still empty. Inviting nominations and applications for these posts.

If people are wondering why this sudden transformation and what I think I have in me to run for the elections, I am a true citizen of this country.. and I have one other great qualification in me. I have been judged as a "Politician" by the famous "Ultimate Personality Test" by Tickle. :-)

Take this test at Tickle

You're a Politician!

The Ultimate Personality Test

Brought to you by Tickle

This gives me an automatic qualification. I have come to know that this is one of the qualifications which Election Commission is insisting upon while filing for elections. So all people who are interested in joining my party are advised to take the "Ultimate Personality Test" by Tickle and approach me only if they are judged as a "Politician".

:-) :-)